I'm about to go to work just wanted to get a quick post in before I'm preoccupied this weekend with all the crazy halloween stuff, I just wanted to say thanks sooo much to my youtube followers for making my halloween videos such a success! i finally finished filming my last tutorial for october and i'm actually speaking in it because alot of people have been encouraging me to try it. it was really awkward to sit in my room and talk to my webcam, so i was a little nervous to actually post the video to facebook, but all my subscribers have been super nice and encouraging so i guess i will be talking in my videos from now on. So i guess my next step will be to post a bunch of pictures of all the crazy makeup im doing this weekend on here, ill probably get around to doing it on tuesday. I'm also interested to know what everyone's being for Halloween! I'm not too sure if you guys can post pictures in your comments on here because i'm still not too sure how this site works, but if your able to, definitely show me your halloween costumes :)